Learning from Gold Medalists: Personal Discipline As the Key to Success

Last month, the world witnessed the most outstanding athletes this world has ever seen attempting and achieving feats of human strength and discipline. Their incredible work reminds me of the lifelong effort that it takes to improve ourselves. These athletes, from diverse backgrounds and with unique challenges, dedicate their lives to their sport. They trained for hours every day, pushed their bodies to the limit, and constantly sought ways to improve. This focused discipline was built upon years of sweat and struggle and not merely the few moments that we saw the athletes on screen. Equally, I am inspired by the unwavering perseverance of paralympic athletes, who triumph over lifelong disabilities and health challenges to be the best they can be in their field. Although these incredible feats are celebrated and lauded, we often forget the years of effort that it takes for them to be able to accomplish their tasks. For them to achieve the impossible and to break world records, these incredible athletes need to be disciplined in doing what is necessary with integrity and determination, never allowing doubt or bad days to get in the way of doing what is essential for their work.

A Focus on Discipline

The Stoics’ philosophy of daily discipline, prioritized over the pursuit of accolades, is a potent tool for success. The years of demanding work required to become the best in any field are a testament to the power of daily discipline. It’s not just about winning gold; it’s about the unwavering discipline and focus that enable athletes to achieve their dreams. We should all strive to cultivate these qualities in our lives and careers, as they are the foundation of personal development and success. The Olympics remind us that no matter the discipline, achievement is only gained through dedicated effort. Stoic philosophy empowers us, reminding us that success is not a stroke of luck but a result of our daily choices and actions.

As leaders in our field, we know that focusing on personal development and goal setting is more important than being distracted by achievement alone. All the Olympians are already the greatest in their field, and although we see them only every four years, they are dedicated to developing their skills without crowds and accolades. Their efforts are not seen on the screen but are evident from their talents and skills. It is their dedication and discipline that allows them to achieve remarkable feats.

Personal Development as A Key to Success

Individuals who prioritize personal development over the mere pursuit of success lead better lives and have more successful careers. At the end of the day, it’s not about the awards and accolades; it’s about the amount of hard work and discipline that goes into one’s life. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. That’s how someone can build a legacy through hard work and discipline. This emphasis on personal development should inspire and motivate you to focus on your growth journey. Sometimes, hard work looks like getting up early to go to the gym, staying late to work on a side hustle, or working on the weekends to build a business. Success can only be found with equal dedication.

The Olympics remind us that success is not glamorous but involves dedicating yourself to the pain of discipline.

Dedicating Yourself to Your Core Values

At ReEmployAbility, we know that success comes from the daily focus of work. Passion, Integrity, Entrepreneurship, Service Orientation, and Partnership, ReEmployAbility’s core values, are found in all Olympians and their rigorous focus on bettering themselves daily.

Professionals in any field can apply the principles of Passion, Integrity, Entrepreneurship, Service Orientation, and Partnership to make great strides in personal development. For instance, demonstrating passion in your work can lead to greater job satisfaction and career success. Upholding integrity in your actions and decisions can build trust and respect professionally and personally. Embracing entrepreneurship can foster innovation and creativity. A service-oriented mindset can enhance relationships and create a positive work environment. And finally, fostering partnerships can lead to collaborative opportunities and mutual growth. For example, you can apply the principle of entrepreneurship by constantly seeking new ways to improve your work processes or by taking on new challenges. Anyone can demonstrate a service-oriented mindset by actively seeking feedback and using it to improve. At ReEmployAbility, we take our core values seriously, enabling our employees to have professional development opportunities, including certifications, online courses, and an educational stipend.

Personal Growth is A Daily Discipline

 By prioritizing consistent daily habits and actively seeking new knowledge, you can make steady progress and enhance yourself every day. Our employees’ personal growth is integral to our collective success as a company.

When we focus our efforts on what we can control and how we can get better every day, the outward noise of success won’t matter because we’ll know the effort we put in to get to where we are. By ‘outward noise of success,’ I mean external measures of success such as awards, accolades, or recognition. Your personal development journey is in your hands, and by focusing on what you can control, you can make significant strides toward your goals without needing a gold medal.

September is Personal Development Month, a special time dedicated to introspection and self-improvement. It’s an opportunity for us to contemplate our unique paths and recognize the significance of personal growth in contributing to our shared accomplishments. How are you currently leading your personal development journey?