The Changing Landscape of Return-to-Work (RTW) Programs in the Workers’ Compensation Industry: Past, Present, and Future

In the realm of Workers' Compensation, the journey of Return-to-Work (RTW) programs over the last two decades has been marked by transformation, innovation, and a shift towards empathy and advocacy. A Glimpse into the Past Two decades ago, the Workers' Compensation landscape looked vastly different. The focus had shifted toward Worker's Advocacy, nurturing opportunities for stakeholder growth within the Workers' Compensation Institute (WCI), RIMS, and similar organizations. These efforts ignited…

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Litigation in the Worker’s Compensation Field

The Misunderstood Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs “Why would an employer ever spend more money to send their injured employee to volunteer? It doesn’t make very good business sense,” I was asked during a deposition in December. Recently ReEmployAbility had been named in a lawsuit; when such cases happen, I am usually called upon to testify and may be deposed as it pertains to details regarding the Transition2Work program. I admit…

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Toxic Workplaces Part 3 – The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Crafting Excellence As a business founder and CEO, I've learned that the true hallmark of success lies not only in financial gains but, more importantly, in cultivating a positive workplace culture. We've finally reached part three of this odyssey to come to brighter days. In the previous two parts, we discussed what happens when a company leader faces a toxic workplace and the proactive steps that any CEO, HR professional,…

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Achieving a Successful Partnership Among Stakeholders in Worker’s Compensation Claims

In the intricate landscape of worker's compensation, establishing a successful partnership among stakeholders is paramount to ensuring positive outcomes for injured employees. From employers to risk managers, adjusters, and vendors, each stakeholder plays a crucial role in navigating the complexities of the worker's compensation system and advocating for the well-being of injured workers. This article will delve into key insights shared during the recent WorkCompCollege webinar, highlighting strategies and best…

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Toxic Workplaces Part 2

Transforming Negativity: Essential Leadership Skills for a Positive Workplace As discussed in the previous article, addressing a toxic workplace demands more than good intentions; it requires a strategic skill set. In part two, we explore the practical steps and leadership skills necessary to steer a company away from pitfalls, navigating the necessity of transforming a hostile workplace into a thriving one. From defining and reinforcing company values to navigating the…

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Toxic Workplaces: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly. Part 1

Recognizing the Importance of Company Culture It's no secret that building a thriving company goes hand-in-hand with creating a positive workplace culture. What steps do you need to take as a leader to achieve that? It's not like any HR professional, CEO, or Founder can wave a magic wand and create a positive workplace culture without effort (if only it were that easy!) Building a business that prides itself on…

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