Building a Foundation Daily

Everything we go through in life is preparation for what is to follow. I wrote down this remark from a recent video because it told my life story. It probably tells yours too. If I got mulligans for my life thus far, there are definitely actions / lack of actions / words / reactions / attitudes / choices / thoughts / priorities / relationships / etc. that I would change.…

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Critical Path

If you have been a human for a while, you’ve been subjected to criticism. Sometimes it is accurate (“You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?”) and sometimes unfair (“That referee has to be blind to have called it a strike!” from row 35 in section 412). Sometimes it happens to people just minding their own business while other times it happens because you’re a highly visible personality. Criticism…

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The Vital Importance of Integrity in Job Applications for Workers’ Compensation Adjusters

This article was written by someone who wishes to remain anonymous to make an important point about honesty in the job application process. With an earnest desire to join the workers’ compensation ecosystem, an adjuster without work comp experience may feel the need to embellish their qualities to secure an interview. That is the wrong initial step to take into an industry that requires honesty. Ultimately, the knowledge / experience…

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Life is Not Fair

If you say life is not fair, you are absolutely correct. It never has been and never will be. That statement implies helplessness, frustration, and uncertainty. It also implies an unpredictable future. Whether you shake your metaphorical fist at yourself, others or God, this statement indicates you’re at a crossroads. What typically comes before or after that observation is a simple but complicated two words: Why me? If you're an…

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WRP In Action: The Ripple Effects of an Investment in Training

I’d like to introduce you to a rock star coach. No, not Andy Reid or Kyle Shanahan. “Coach” Keisha Dewey-Sanders, Claims Operations Supervisor at LWCC and the individual responsible for incorporating a Workers’ Recovery Professional (WRP) mindset into the onboarding process of new and recent hires. This is the story of how someone with a vision and empowered to execute it can create a lasting impact in an organization. LWCC…

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A successful failure

Have you ever tried something and failed at it? Of course you have. I have too. Many times. Thomas Edison once remarked, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” He should know. It took him 1,000 attempts (or 2,774, depending upon how you count) to invent a working light bulb. As much as he’s known as a…

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Work Comp (should) Welcome P&C Claims Adjusters

I’ve had several conversations over the past few months with independent claims adjusters looking for a different role. It started when a friend, Roberta Mike, invited me to her Workers’ Compensation Career Mentorship Group on Facebook that has over 1000 members. Many of them are P&C (property, auto, etc.) staff or independent claims adjusters. There are apparently two challenges in that line of work. The first is that work can…

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WRP In Action: A groundbreaking graduate

Ashley Means was the recipient of a WorkCompCollege’s Faculty Grant to become a WRP student. She progressed quickly through the 64 courses and 51 hours of content, completing her first course on November 30, 2023. She passed the Final Exam on January 25, 2024. That is the definition of motivation, and on top of that a high achiever with an overall GPA of 90.66%! Ashley was a groundbreaker in two…

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Me and ODG

I’ve known the team at ODG by MCG since 2009 when I became involved with the adoption of their drug formulary by Texas. I had the privilege of being engaged with the regulators and many of the stakeholders as a method to change prescribing behaviors was debated, implemented, and then measured. After almost two years of regularly commuting from Georgia to Texas, based on that experience, I had the opportunity…

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Ready for New Things (?)

My wife and I are in the process of “cutting the cord.” Based on statistics, we may be one of the last holdouts on “linear” (broadcast, cable) TV and embracing streaming. Part of the timing is that both of our adult children have switched and they (and our granddaughters) can see everything they want. Another piece of the puzzle is that the price of cable TV kept increasing to car…

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