Free: A Live Course – Achieving a Successful Partnership
Among the Stakeholders: Part 2
Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 @ 1:00 PM Eastern

Space is Limited – Enroll Today!
The workers’ compensation ecosystem has many stakeholders. Their incentives often, but don’t always, align. This can complicate how they service the two most important stakeholders … the employer and injured employee. When these various stakeholders create silos with different priorities, it can lead to suboptimal outcomes. The course will explore the potentially conflicting priorities of the stakeholders and how they must come together in partnership to achieve the ultimate outcome – recovery and return to work.
In part two, learn how the Stakeholders work together to provide the Injured Workers treatment, support, and assistance during their recovery. This will be a continuation of the first discussion with actionable takeaways that can be used to change the way professionals interact with stakeholders on a file.
This webinar has concluded. You may view it here.