AI and Workers’ Compensation Data Collection Issues Ricky Ricardo … “Lucy we have a problem.”

Artificial intelligence relies on data to do its job. Some of the known problems with the use or management of AI are the lack of quality data and the embedded biases in the existing data.  Timely and accurate data collection using a common data glossary would allow employers, insurance companies, claims administrators, and vendors to perform better internal analysis of their staff productivity, compare claims results, compare benefit provision, determine…

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AI is Revolutionizing The Workers’ Compensation Industry

AI represents the future of workers’ compensation. However, like all new technologies, AI is not without its challenges and detractors. Here are a few considerations as we embark on this transformative journey.  Data Privacy and Security: It is crucial to ensure the privacy and security of the sensitive data that AI systems use. Data privacy issues apply to both the products of the AI process and the data AI uses…

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AI and Risk Issues

All new technology has both positives as well as negatives. Many times during the initial development of the technology the negatives are unknown or not understood.  With this concept in mind, the JASON think tanks were instituted by the US Government to deliberately review all new technologies to determine how they could be weaponized against the USA* I highly recommend you read some of their declassified reports.  Prominent tech leaders…

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Understanding the Total Cost of Risk

In today's business landscape, the ability to quantify risks in financial terms is crucial. With this information, the business can focus appropriate resources to mitigate enterprise-wide risks by shifting the risk to another company or by reducing the risk through improved operational efficiency.  While businesses inevitably bear the costs of risk in their operations, the question is, what is the monetary value of managing these risks, and how can they…

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Embrace the Audit 

Best Practices for claims departments to maximize the effectiveness of an audit  With commentary and insight from Rick Sabetta and Barry Bloom As a Claims Supervisor I reacted very poorly to my first workers compensation claims audit.   I went through the familiar stages that one does when first audited:  Anger (at how anyone could question my decisions or results)   Denial (that someone in my claims unit had made mistakes)  Negotiations (over…

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Claims Managers Skills & Training

by Bill Zachry, SCIF Board Member and Barry Bloom, Managing Partner, The bdb Group  “As the claims manager goes, so goes the office.”  The most important job in a workers’ compensation claim office is the claims manager.    Most companies strive for consistency and accuracy with regard to benefit provision.  They work hard to achieve these results while trying to maintain a low cost of claims administration.  To accomplish these results, they establish policies…

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The Top Actions Employers Can Take to Manage Their Workers’ Compensation Program in 2024

Management Engagement:  The approach and attitude that senior management takes regarding injury prevention, safety, employee welfare, interaction with injured workers, and treatment of claims partners are primary determinants of successfully managing the workers' compensation program.  Hiring the Right Employee:  Hiring qualified and engaged employees is essential for reducing the risk of workplace injuries and subsequent workers' compensation claims. In today’s employment market this can be a particular challenge.  Safety and…

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The actor Leslie Howard, who played Ashley Wilks in the Gone with the Wind movie, was killed during World War II when the airplane on which he was a passenger was shot down.  After the war it was discovered that the English had broken the Enigma code and they knew that his plane was going to be targeted by the Luftwaffe.  The British Military did not warn the plane or…

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2024 Reminders for Claims Operations

I would like to thank all of you who have diligently read our “Simple Ideas” papers during the past year. I admit that a few of the papers we sent out were actually not “simple”. These papers are either focused on improving outcomes for the injured workers while reducing costs for the employers, or are designed to help bring you up to speed on the latest technology which will impact…

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Simple ideas for a complex system – Injury prevention in our new world post pandemic / the great resignation

  Studies are regularly published which indicate that a high percentage of injuries occur during the first year of employment.   With the current churning of workers due to the great resignation it is important for employers to focus on their new employees (and long-term employees who are performing new jobs at the same employer) as an opportunity to reduce claims frequency.    The reasons for a higher claim frequency during the…

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