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Curt DeVries
President, Fraudsniffr
School of Legal
Class(es) Taught:
Preventing Work Comp Fraud … It Takes a Village
Social Media … If you think its easy, then you don’t understand (Elective)
Social Media … If you think its easy, then you don’t understand (Elective)
I am a 35-year claims professional that has extensive claim handling and management experience in both the carrier and TPA markets. He has W/C experience in over 30 jurisdictions in the U.S and throughout Canada as well as complex casualty experience nationwide. He is well acquainted with the challenges facing insurers and employers in an increasingly liberal litigation climate as well as ongoing challenges involved with TPA management and reserves appropriation. These insurance market place challenges are what inspired him to found Fraudsniffr. In his current position he is the president and head of business development.

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