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Tyrone Spears began his workers’ compensation career over 20 years ago at ESIS as a Claims Examiner Trainee and quickly moved into a Claims Examiner role, and later became a Senior Claims Examiner. Tyrone then worked for Sempra Energy as an administrator overseeing workers’ compensation, short/long term disability, and FMLA. He also worked as a paralegal prior to entering into the claims world. Currently, he is the Division Chief of Workers’ Compensation for the City of Los Angeles. He oversees all Workers’ Compensation programs for the City of Los Angeles. Tyrone holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management, Executive MBA in Management, and a Doctorate in Theology. Professionally, he holds the Workers’ Compensation Claims Professional (WCCP) designation, and Associate in Risk Management from the Insurance Educational Association and is certified by the Department of Industrial Relations, Self-Insurance Plans, as a Workers’ Compensation Administrator. Also noteworthy, Dr. Spears is the President and CEO of Hazel’s Hands, a nonprofit to provide resources, services, and leadership to meet the emerging needs of at-risk youth and their families in our communities. His vision is to support, empower, and progress positive change.

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