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Patti Colwell is the Manager of Workers’ Compensation for Southwest Airlines. In her role, Patti is responsible for the on-the-job injury care of the company’s more than 59,000 employees. Patti brings over 30 years of experience with Southwest Airlines and 22 years of workers’ compensation industry experience to her current position. Her responsibilities are as unique and varied as the employees and company for whom she serves. She is continually challenged to develop and implement innovative and cost-effective strategies, including both pre-loss and post-loss initiatives. This requires that she understand the job demands associated with each position within the airlines and communicates effectively with management and employees throughout the organization. It also entails forming strong relationships with brokers, insurance carriers, third party administrators, and other service providers who work diligently on the company’s behalf. Patti knows the value of strong partnerships and her management style in dealing these outside resources is frequently credited with much of the program’s success. In 2015, Southwest Airlines was awarded the National Underwriter’s Excellence in Workers’ Compensation Risk Management Award and also nominated for the Comp Laude Employer Award. In 2016, Patti was a Comp Laude Honor Roll Recipient.
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