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Mark Pew

Mark Pew

Provost, WorkCompCollege.com
Founder, Provost
Mark Pew is an award-winning international speaker, blogger, author, jurisdictional advisor and thought leader. After more than two decades of experience in work comp, he launched The RxProfessor LLC consulting firm in August 2021. Mark has focused on the intersection of chronic pain and appropriate treatment since 2003 with an emphasis on the BioPsychoSocialSpiritual treatment model. He is a prolific educator, having presented wide-ranging content more than 650 times to over 64,000 people in 42 states, DC and internationally since 2012. Mark received the WorkCompCentral Magna Comp Laude award in 2016, IAIABC’s Samuel Gompers Award in 2017 and was named “Top 100 Healthcare Leader” by IFAH in 2021. His blog was recognized in 2016, 2017 and 2018 as a WorkersCompensation.com “Best Blog.” He is the driving force and co-founder of The Transitions and is on the Advisory Boards of Simple Therapy, Harvard MedTech and Goldfinch Health.
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