The Point Webinar – Just How Smart is AI for Workers’ Comp?

Free Webinar – 1:00PM Eastern, Thursday, September 28, 2023

Update: This page originally incorrectly listed the day of this webinar as Wednesday. The 28th is a Thursday. The page has been corrected.

You might have heard of AI, or Artificial Intelligence once or twice recently. It’s been a topic on the minds of many lately. What is it, and what does it mean for workers’ comp? Will it be a benefit? Or a bust? How and when should it be used, and what does it all ultimately mean? Our experts, well-versed in AI’s benefits and challenges, will have a lively discussion on just what we can expect in the future, and what role AI may play in those changes.

Special Guests

Kristin Kautz, CPSM
JAM Idea Agency

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Webinar Hosts

Bob Wilson

Dr. Chris Brigham

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Judge David Langham
Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims

Register Today – Seats Are Limited!

This webinar has concluded. You may view it here.