Who Should Attend WorkCompCollege.com?

Who could benefit from a Workers’ Recovery Professional (WRP) Certification? The answer, increasingly, is anyone involved in touching the world of an injured worker. That would include experienced professionals as well as those new to the industry. It would benefit those in claims, legal, risk management, nursing, case management, and more.

One of the original motivations behind this effort was to address the tremendous staffing shortfall faced by the workers’ compensation industry. We have been facing a “gray tsunami” for years, but events surrounding the pandemic, including the “great resignation” have exacerbated the situation. Younger generations are looking for a different quality of work than their predecessors, and are wanting to have real impact in the world. When it comes to workers’ comp, properly restoring broken and shattered lives is a truly noble way to meet that desire. Creating an education system that enables better outcomes through improved communication and reduced friction is the ideal way to attract quality people and reach those goals.

It was also not lost on us that a truly holistic, “whole person” approach would be a beneficial change for the industry overall. To that end, professionals with years of experience could benefit from updated strategies that are intended to get better results than those currently in use.

WorkCompCollege.com is built around better understanding the world in which we work, and learning to see those we assist in a more comprehensive light. Therefore anyone who, in the course of their duties, crosses paths with the injured worker or their employer, will benefit from the expanded viewpoints provided in this community driven effort. We encourage you to peruse the site to learn more about us, and if you prefer, register for our newsletter for periodic updates on our progress.

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