Workers’ Recovery Professional Certification (WRP)

The workers’ compensation industry in the United States is complex and heavily regulated. Additionally, post Y2K economic pressures resulted in the curtailing and elimination of traditional training programs, while consolidation and outsourcing resulted in higher case loads, less direct interaction and increased focus on the technical aspects of handling injured workers’ and their issues. Today, an aging industry facing the “great resignation” must refocus on proper human focused priorities in order to attract new talent and improve outcomes for all involved.

That is why the Workers’ Recovery Professional Certification (WRP) was created. It is an attempt to once again restore the “human element” to workers’ compensation, and train people to understand the many external factors that can so often see a basic injury turn into a failed outcome. By adopting a “Work Comp 360” whole person viewpoint, and leaning heavily on the understanding of biopyschosocial factors we encounter, injured workers can heal faster, while friction, litigation, and costs are reduced. Better outcomes for all involved. That is what the WRP is all about.

It is time to once again understand the “why” behind the “what.”

“What” we do is manage claims, providing indemnity benefits and medical services.

And this is our “why:” When properly conducted, the noble business of workers’ compensation restores shattered and broken lives. We return function and purpose to people who have experienced often tragic circumstances in their lives.

I wish this had been available when I’d first started in the industry!

Attorney, WRP graduate

This has been a great experience for me! I can’t get enough of it. It is so eye opening and makes me want to continue to learn.  Thanks for developing this college. I feel honored to have this great opportunity for learning.

Claims Supervisor, WRP Graduate

Being in Workers’ Compensation for 20 years this program has given me the next level of understanding of all the stakeholders involved in claims and how we ALL can make a difference in breaking down the silos of the system to get our injured workers back to their lives and fulfill their goals.   

Medical Claims Supervisor, WRP Graduate’s Workers’ Recovery Professional Certification program focuses on both the technical skills necessary to effectively assist injured employees (the what), but also delves into the “whole person” biopsychosocial realm necessary to achieve truly superior results (the why). Our program is truly community-driven, developed by dozens of skilled volunteers whose primary desire is to improve outcomes for all involved in workers’ comp. But don’t take our word for it. Check out our curriculum for yourself. And review our information under leadership to learn about the qualified people who built this community driven program.

And when you are ready, enroll today. You can have immediate access to the most innovative training system available for the workers’ compensation ecosystem.

And thank you for your interest in making workers’ compensation be the best it can be.

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