Fraud in Workers’ Compensation

By definition, fraud is the intentional intent to use deceit, trickery, or other nefarious means to deprive another individual of their inherent money, property, or legal rights. The majority of injured individuals were legitimately injured while furthering their employer’s interests.  However, we all know that there are those individuals who feel they are entitled to something to which they are not, and as such will employ various tactics to pad…

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Sprain or Strain, What Are You Dealing With?

All too often, we see a diagnosis of a “sprain/strain” relative to the lumbar or cervical spine. There is a huge difference between the two, and the treatment may overlay initially, however, in the long run, the interventions can become quite different as will the length of duration. Thus, it is imperative that the exact diagnosis be objectified and the injury be limited to what actually occurred. The major difference…

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