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Robert Snyder

Dr. Robert Snyder

Medical Director, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
School of Medical Management
Class(es) Taught:
Regulations for Medical Issues: What, Why, and How
Medical Management 102 - A Deeper Dive into Causation, Red Flags and Work Disability Prevention
Dr. Snyder was appointed Medical Director for the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation in January, 2014 after 37 years of Orthopaedic private practice. A graduate of Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, he completed two years of general surgery training at the University of Pittsburgh before coming to Nashville to complete a residency in Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation at Vanderbilt University. Special activities have included Associate Team Physician for Vanderbilt and Tennessee State University Athletics, Volunteer Orthopaedic Consultant at Fort Campbell during Desert Storm, Orthopaedics Overseas (an affiliate of Health Volunteers Overseas) in Peru, church related mission activities in Honduras, and the 1996 Hospital Strategic Planning Symposium in Prague, Czech Republic. He served as President of the Medical Staff at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville from 1997 through 1999, and on the Medical Care Cost Containment Committee for Workers’ Compensation from its inception in 1992 until 2014. Dr. Snyder has presented lectures for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Arthroscopy Society of Peru, the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, the National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference, the National Association of Workers Compensation Judges, and in Tennessee: the Tennessee Chiropractic Association, the Tennessee Orthopaedic Society, the Tennessee College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the Tennessee Pain Society, the Tennessee Neurosurgical Society, the Tennessee Medical Society, and Tennessee Attorney Memo. He has made numerous other presentations to attorneys, case managers, employers, adjusters and insurers. He is the course director for the Bureau’s physician education program and an instructor for the new Certified Physician Program. His activities with the Bureau include Medical Treatment Guidelines, Utilization Review, Case Management, Fee Schedules and physician/provider communications and staff support for the Medical Advisory Committee and the Medical Payment Committee.
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