announces UFG Insurance as gold associate partner

Lakewood Ranch, Fla. (September 19, 2022) – has announced UFG Insurance as a new Gold Associate Partner. UFG has been actively developing a more thorough approach to claims management that embraces a “whole person” recovery philosophy and believes this new methodology aligns quite well with the Workers’ Recovery Professional (WRP) Certification program being developed at As part of the partnership, 30 UFG employees will go through the program…

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KEMI Becomes Gold Associate Partner of

Lakewood Ranch, FL (September 20, 2022) – has announced a Gold Associate Partnership with Kentucky Employers’ Mutual Insurance (KEMI). The partnership specifically supports continued development of the Workers’ Recovery Professional Certification program being produced by the virtual school. KEMI recognizes the importance of the “whole person recovery management” concept at the center of development, as it aligns with their philosophy of both better care for injured employees and better…

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Webinar: Researching and Resolving Liens under the Medicare Secondary Payer Statute

A webinar in partnership with the National Workers' Compensation Defense Network Nicole Graci, Esq.Hamberger & Weiss LLP Register In partnership with the National Workers' Compensation Defense Network, attorney Nicole Graci, partner of the New York Law firm Hamberger & Weiss LLP will discuss the challenges and solutions to navigating the lien process under Medicare Secondary Payer regulations. This webinar will be specific to conditional payments and MAP liens. About Nicole…

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There were several possible titles for this post. One was, “Bidding Abbie a Fond Farewell.” Another option was “Abbie Hudgens and Her Enormous Feet” (I’ll explain that one in a minute). But in the end, simply “Abbie” ruled the day. Because most people active nationally in workers’ comp will immediately know who I am talking about. Abbie Hudgens, the Administrator of the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation for the past…

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For Workers’ Comp, 2022 Will Be the Year of the Human Asset

It seems that as the years come and go, each one, for the workers’ compensation industry, ends up being defined by one or two dominant topics. 2015, for example, might have been the year of medical marijuana. 2019 was the year of presumptions. It is no surprise that 2020 was the year of Covid. That topic carried over for 2021, in the form of presumptions for “front line workers” and…

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What is the Most Common Outcome of a Work Injury?

What is the most common outcome of a work injury? That is a question that psychologist Dr. Les Kertay likes to pose to audiences when he speaks about workers’ compensation. He did so earlier this week during a presentation before the National Association of Workers’ Compensation Judiciary (NAWCJ), which gathered for their educational track at the Orlando Workers’ Compensation Institute 76th Annual Conference. The answers he received included “depression,” “litigation,” and…

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An Ideal Workers Compensation System

An ideal system serves the two primary stakeholders (the employer and the employee). An ideal system allows and encourages clear, concise, timely and accurate communication (in-person, phone, fax, text, app, semaphore, morse code, smoke signals) between all parties.  An ideal system provides a prompt provision of fixed and “fair” benefits to the legitimately injured worker within a no-fault system. An ideal system ensures that all workers are covered by the…

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Workers Compensation Medical Care Axioms

The right medical care at the right time is always in the best interest of the injured worker and almost always will result in the lowest claims costs.The right medical care at the right time will (almost always) result in an earlier return to work with less permanent residual disability.Evidence-based medicine is the right care for the legitimately injured workers. (There is a hierarchy on how to apply evidence-based medicine).One…

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An excerpt from “Curing” Work Disability….

An excerpt from “Curing” Work Disability….an “Expert’s View” article published on July 29, 2021 on “Work Disability”….a new term to you? A term you've just recently heard used? Or a condition that you're a subject matter expert in? If you have a role - any role - in a workers' compensation system, you should be striving for the latter. Understanding work disability, what it is and how to prevent…

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Managing People with DITMR (Deer in the middle of the road syndrome)

For thousands of years deer had two primary methods of survival.  The first was to run very fast when they were in an open field.  The second was to stand very still when they were in a forest. If they could not outrun the mountain lion, they knew that if they stood still while in the forest that their camouflage would make it harder for them to be seen. For…

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