The Power of Communication in Workers’ Compensation: Why Words Matter

Effective communication is vital in every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. In the context of workers' compensation, communication plays a crucial role in setting expectations, fostering positive interactions, and achieving desired outcomes. This article explores the significance of communication in workers' compensation, the various communication channels employed, the impact of non-verbal communication, and the importance of maintaining professionalism. Additionally, we delve into whether people are becoming more "whiny"…

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Embrace the Audit 

Best Practices for claims departments to maximize the effectiveness of an audit  With commentary and insight from Rick Sabetta and Barry Bloom As a Claims Supervisor I reacted very poorly to my first workers compensation claims audit.   I went through the familiar stages that one does when first audited:  Anger (at how anyone could question my decisions or results)   Denial (that someone in my claims unit had made mistakes)  Negotiations (over…

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Claims Managers Skills & Training

by Bill Zachry, SCIF Board Member and Barry Bloom, Managing Partner, The bdb Group  “As the claims manager goes, so goes the office.”  The most important job in a workers’ compensation claim office is the claims manager.    Most companies strive for consistency and accuracy with regard to benefit provision.  They work hard to achieve these results while trying to maintain a low cost of claims administration.  To accomplish these results, they establish policies…

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The Top Actions Employers Can Take to Manage Their Workers’ Compensation Program in 2024

Management Engagement:  The approach and attitude that senior management takes regarding injury prevention, safety, employee welfare, interaction with injured workers, and treatment of claims partners are primary determinants of successfully managing the workers' compensation program.  Hiring the Right Employee:  Hiring qualified and engaged employees is essential for reducing the risk of workplace injuries and subsequent workers' compensation claims. In today’s employment market this can be a particular challenge.  Safety and…

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The actor Leslie Howard, who played Ashley Wilks in the Gone with the Wind movie, was killed during World War II when the airplane on which he was a passenger was shot down.  After the war it was discovered that the English had broken the Enigma code and they knew that his plane was going to be targeted by the Luftwaffe.  The British Military did not warn the plane or…

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Second Injury Fund – Opportunities

Some might say “second injury funds (SIFs)” are dinosaurs. However, structured effectively SIFs can enrich a state’s efforts to maximize their workforce. They have been a crucial element in states’ workers’ compensation for over a century. As early as 1916 states established programs to encourage employers to hire employees who had permanent disabilities by limiting the employer’s risk to costs related to subsequent injuries compensable under that state’s workers’ compensation…

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2024 Reminders for Claims Operations

I would like to thank all of you who have diligently read our “Simple Ideas” papers during the past year. I admit that a few of the papers we sent out were actually not “simple”. These papers are either focused on improving outcomes for the injured workers while reducing costs for the employers, or are designed to help bring you up to speed on the latest technology which will impact…

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Motivational Interviewing – a valuable tool in workers’ compensation! 

In my June 27, 2023 article, Trauma-Informed Practices and Workers’ Comp…, I mentioned motivational interviewing (MI) as another health-related intervention that can also improve outcomes for workers and employers in the workers’ compensation system. In other words, another tool to prevent or mitigate unnecessary work disability.  MI is a counseling approach that can support a shift in the culture of our industry. Claim professionals can use MI to activate customers,…

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The Point Webinar – AI, Workers’ Comp, And Your Future

1:00PM Eastern, Wednesday, January 24, 2024 Our last webinar, taking a high level look at what Artificial Intelligence is and how it may affect the workers' comp industry, was hugely popular. Now we take a deeper dive into how AI will change our workplace, and what that means for you and those you work with. Our guests represent both private and public sector entities, and will offer frank insight into…

Read More’s State-Specific Training Program Continued to Expand in 2023

Lakewood Ranch, FL -, a division of Workers’ Compensation Educational Services, LLC, continued to build on the September 18, 2023 launch of their State-Specific Training Program through the end of the year. There are now 15 jurisdictions with content provided by experienced experts in each state to explain the regulatory framework and “real world nuance” of the work comp claims process. A single student login may provide access to…

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