CBCS Becomes Silver Associate of WorkCompCollege.com

Lakewood Ranch,FL (WorkersCompensation.com) – WorkCompCollege.com has announced a new Silver Associate Partner that will support its ongoing education activities for workers' compensation professionals. CBCS is an independent Third-Party Claims Administrator, combining industry-leading expertise and customer service to redefine the claims management process. With national workers' compensation, auto liability, general liability, and cargo claims capabilities, their team of professionals focus on the entire claims management process by delivering client-focused claims solutions,…

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Have the Courage to be Different.

The workers’ compensation claims handling has been a repetitive nature of process and move on, follow the checklist for an audit, and close the claim. Process, and repeat. Go down the checklist and follow the pattern. Check, check, check. ***Abrasive vinal scratch to a halt.*** It is far beyond time to change the narrative and have the courage to be different. The workers’ compensation system is about PEOPLE. Restoring people…

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Acknowledgement in WC: It matters.

From a very early age in life, we want to be acknowledged. We want to be seen and we want to be heard. As we grow older, we want to be appreciated, to be valued, to feel worthy. These are basic human elements to life and the human connection. The workers’ compensation space is no different. I have the amazing opportunity to be a Professor at Drake University. This past…

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Does Injured Worker Advocacy Really Matter?

We all like the idea of our injured workers bragging about their experience with a TPA or an insurance carrier, especially when it creates a desired outcome for all parties. It makes an organization more reputable and (competitive advantage) provides a unique attribute one can market in this space. But does it really matter? Spoiler alert. It does. Injured workers want to be involved in their healing process. There is…

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“Z” Doesn’t Always Stand for Zebra…. 

It seems the workers’ compensation and health care industries are always changing – what might be ahead as both clinical and non-clinical best practice research continue to evolve? There are some significant opportunities on the horizon to identify and mitigate psychosocial risk factors and social determinants of health – considerations unique to a worker that compound needless work disability. These issues are often misunderstood or lumped together as though they…

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How to get a Horse to Drink the Water – A Foster Child Takes on the Industry

What we do matters. If you are reading this. YOU MATTER. Being in the workers’ compensation system is one of the most amazing gifts one can have because of the opportunity to impact human lives, families, communities, an industry, and make a difference. Each day, we have the ability to impact lives and change the trajectory of someone’s life. This is not limited to injured workers, we can also do…

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Skippy GPT Explains His Training, And Why Woodchucks Won’t Chuck Wood

Once again we delve into the rarified world of artificial intelligence, with another extended discussion with my friend Skippy, the OpenAI ChatGPT thingy that is challenging our conventional wisdom and scaring the crap out if us at the same time. In an earlier post, I mentioned that Skippy’s dataset is all based on information from 2021 and before, when he was initially trained to do his job. In this discussion,…

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