The Point Webinar – Slip Slidin’ Away: Identifying and Managing the Loss of Mental Acuity in the Workplace and Beyond.

A Free Webinar - Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 1:00 PM Eastern Dementia. Cognitive Decline. Reduced Mental Acuity. These are topics that have become increasingly prevalent, and the issue has very prominently started becoming a concern in the workplace. How can we recognize the signs of mental decline in our co-workers or injured workers? How can it affect their performance or recovery? Once we recognize the issues, how best to…

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AI For Claims Management: Sorting the Practical From the Possible

Free Webinar: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 1pm ET Artificial Intelligence (AI) is top of mind for most of society and workers’ compensation. Much of that discussion is about what it could do – replace human jobs, accelerate processes, work at scale to identify issues faster, hallucinate poor options. There are seemingly endless positive and negative repercussions from both intended and unintended consequences. This webinar will take a more practical…

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Empathy in Action: Improving Worker’s Compensation Outcomes through Mental Health Advocacy

Seats are limited!Register today for this free presentation! Join us for an enlightening webinar on the crucial role of advocating for behavioral health in worker's compensation claims, with a focus on integrating behavioral health into return-to-work (RTW) programs. We will explore the challenges of bringing behavioral health support to injured workers (IW) when states and employers may not fully support it. Learn actionable strategies to educate stakeholders, including Nurse Case Managers, and leverage…

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The Point Webinar – Is the Mental Health System Headed for a Breakdown?

1:00PM Eastern, Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Rebuttable presumptions. Expanding mental health issues. Pandemics. Societal pressures. Social Media.​​​​​​​Is this a "perfect storm," that will result in increased demand for mental health services? And does a shortage of available (and willing) mental health professionals foretell a potential breakdown of the mental health system? Our guests will talk about the mental health challenges facing the workers' comp industry as well as ideas on how…

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Achieving a Successful Partnership Among the Stakeholders: Part 2

Free: A Live Course - Achieving a Successful Partnership Among the Stakeholders: Part 2 Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 @ 1:00 PM Eastern Space is Limited - Enroll Today! The workers’ compensation ecosystem has many stakeholders. Their incentives often, but don’t always, align. This can complicate how they service the two most important stakeholders … the employer and injured employee. When these various stakeholders create silos with different priorities, it can…

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The Point Webinar – AI, Workers’ Comp, And Your Future

1:00PM Eastern, Wednesday, January 24, 2024 Our last webinar, taking a high level look at what Artificial Intelligence is and how it may affect the workers' comp industry, was hugely popular. Now we take a deeper dive into how AI will change our workplace, and what that means for you and those you work with. Our guests represent both private and public sector entities, and will offer frank insight into…

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The Point Webinar – Just How Smart is AI for Workers’ Comp?

Free Webinar - 1:00PM Eastern, Thursday, September 28, 2023 Update: This page originally incorrectly listed the day of this webinar as Wednesday. The 28th is a Thursday. The page has been corrected. You might have heard of AI, or Artificial Intelligence once or twice recently. It's been a topic on the minds of many lately. What is it, and what does it mean for workers' comp? Will it be a…

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Live Course – Maximizing the Rehab Therapy Pathway in Work Comp

Live Course - Tuesday, August 15, 2023 @ 1PM Eastern Therapy spend as well as treatment outcomes has been a topic of discussion in the workers’ compensation space regarding ROI and the pursuit of efficient but effective care.  The goal of this panel discussion is to allow multiple stakeholder perspectives to be shared on determining the correct variables are being explored to have impactful influences on the cost and effectiveness…

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Live Course – Technology is Reinventing Workers’ Compensation

July 25, 2023 @ 1:00 Eastern There is a general perception that Work Comp is still operating with paper files, fax machines and COBOL claims systems from the 1980s. While that may be true in some cases, to stay relevant (especially to digital-native younger generations) and productive (more with less) most of the industry is embracing technology at a rapid pace. This conversation among leaders in that techno-wave will be…

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Live Course – The Innovation Equation

June 20, 2023 @ 1:00 PM Eastern Gerry Stanley, M.D., P-CEOSVP & Chief Medical OfficerHarvard MedTech We all fancy ourselves as Innovative, but what does that really mean.  Innovation is often a scary process and the concept of disrupting the status quo gives most people pause.  This course is designed to stir your imagination about what innovation really involves and how you can be innovative in all aspects of your…

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