Using Actuarial Information To Improve Claims Outcomes 

Introduction  Actuaries require accurate and timely information for them to calculate the reserve loss development pattern as well as the ultimate exposure for losses.   Even though management may not always be happy with the information, knowing the correct ultimate exposure is always ultimately good for the insurance company or the employer.    Due to company silos, process or ignorance, most claims operations do not regularly engage with the actuary process.    Quality…

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Live Course – The Innovation Equation

June 20, 2023 @ 1:00 PM Eastern Gerry Stanley, M.D., P-CEOSVP & Chief Medical OfficerHarvard MedTech We all fancy ourselves as Innovative, but what does that really mean.  Innovation is often a scary process and the concept of disrupting the status quo gives most people pause.  This course is designed to stir your imagination about what innovation really involves and how you can be innovative in all aspects of your…

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Strategic Alignment in Workers’ Compensation 

Strategic alignment: To ensure consistency in the initiatives implemented from the executive leadership to the operational level of the organization.   Does this exist in workers’ compensation?   Looking back on the history of workers’ compensation over the past 100+ years, not a lot has changed. It is far beyond time that it does. With over 400,000 open positions in the insurance space, is it a wonder why people do not want…

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Voice of the Provider – Physical Therapy

Voice of the Provider is a collaboration between Brooks Rehabilitation and and the name defines its purpose. Many stakeholders in work comp do not understand or appreciate all of the various clinical providers that help an injured employee return to and stay at work. Whether recovery from the injury / illness is easy or hard, there are clinicians along the way that utilize their education, expertise and experience to…

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10 Traits of Fabulous Adjusters; The Work Comp Edition 

Have you ever been on the flip side of a workers’ compensation claim? Where you were the injured worker? If you have not, have you ever put yourself in the injured worker’s shoes? Or had a family member experience the process? In case you guessed it, this process is not the easiest one.  Ahh, but there is so much we can do about it to make it better!!  Anyone can…

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It’s COMPlicated – Utility of Utilization Review 

The use of utilization review (UR) in workers’ comp has defenders and critics. Some consider UR (insurance companies and third-party administrators, et al) to  be a basic tool to prevent unnecessary medical services and reduce costs. Others (physicians and plaintiff attorneys, et al) consider utilization review to be a cause of unnecessary delays in medical care that can result in poorer outcomes and frustration for physicians and injured workers. Finding…

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Preferred Medical Embraces First WRP Certified Employee

Preferred Medical, a Gold Associate Partner of, has issued a public congratulatory message to David Price, the company's General Counsel & Director of Government Affairs, for being the first of their employees to earn the Workers' Recovery Professional Certification. You may view their announcement here. We at WorkCompCollege also celebrate Mr. Price and his efforts, as well as Preferred Medical for embracing a new and better way for the…

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