Does Injured Worker Advocacy Really Matter?

We all like the idea of our injured workers bragging about their experience with a TPA or an insurance carrier, especially when it creates a desired outcome for all parties. It makes an organization more reputable and (competitive advantage) provides a unique attribute one can market in this space. But does it really matter? Spoiler alert. It does. Injured workers want to be involved in their healing process. There is…

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How to get a Horse to Drink the Water – A Foster Child Takes on the Industry

What we do matters. If you are reading this. YOU MATTER. Being in the workers’ compensation system is one of the most amazing gifts one can have because of the opportunity to impact human lives, families, communities, an industry, and make a difference. Each day, we have the ability to impact lives and change the trajectory of someone’s life. This is not limited to injured workers, we can also do…

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Mindfulness in WC: Where to begin & WHY?

Why is mindfulness so important? Your mindset determines you attitude. Your attitude determines your outlook on what is in front of you, what comes before you, and how you choose to interact with customers, colleagues, friends, family, and of course, injured workers. Taking a positive approach to your mindset through mindfulness practices can help foster a more empathic and customer centric approach. Even more so, this all begins and ends…

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Mindfulness: What is all the hype & how does it fit into the WC space?

Look around in any industry, self-help arena, or in overall life improvement and you will find the topic of Mindfulness. There are books, apps, retreats, podcasts, pretty much any medium you can access covering this topic. In the workers’ compensation industry, we have started to see an influx in how to assist with injured workers and how to help ourselves. So what’s the hype and why does this matter? The…

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Stop Being Boring…

The world needs us to stop being boring in workers’ compensation. We are on the horizon of 2023 and it is time to take a stand, make a change, and push ourselves to be better. We forget… boring is easy. It doesn’t challenge the status quo, it doesn’t speak up, and it doesn’t try to take on an industry filled with negativity. Boring is business as usual and we cannot…

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The Four C’s: Clarity, Commitment, Creation & Community

The workers’ compensation industry has taken an interesting shift as we move into the post-pandemic and now more than ever, we need compassion. While working with injured workers can be stressful depending on the situation, add in the additional layer of stress on all sides, and we have a whole new ballgame to shine, helping those who are injured in our arena. Looking at things from a humanitarian approach is…

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How to Win in WC? Build a Recovery TEAM

A few weeks ago, a thought-provoking thread occurred on LinkedIn about frustrations felt in the workers’ compensation process. This thread stemmed around people not exercising their power to help the injured worker. Injured workers should not need to obtain legal representation to recover from their injury timely, effectively, and efficiently. One common theme emerged: We need to do better in our industry.  While many components flow through the workers’ compensation…

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The Road to Resilience: Helping injured workers take charge of their healing process.

When people sustain injuries in a work environment, the physical body sustains an injury, and the emotional psyche does as well. There is an added strain from the incident occurring during work time or within the work-family. How do we in the workers’ compensation community assist injured workers in taking charge, increasing confidence, and helping with whatever comes their way? Many conversation topics can help injured workers develop skillsets needed…

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Elevating the Standards of Workers’ Recovery: Employer Style

With buzz surrounding the advocacy-based claims model and focus on workers’ recovery, employers are often not sure where to begin. Here are three simple steps to improve your workers’ compensation program starting today. Acknowledgment. Acknowledge the injury, especially if it is unquestionable. Please pause for a moment before you continue reading and take yourself to the 20,000 foot view. You are not admitting fault… you are acknowledging something transpired…something happened.…

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Why Psychosocial Issues Matter

Let me take you back six months, or maybe 18-months… where we were hitting what was referred to as “the wall of the pandemic”, where people were feeling isolated and lonelier than ever. Remember when the holidays were over, and spring still felt like an eternity away? I remember those winters, where Mother Nature put forth an elongated winter, or so it felt, extending across a vast majority of the…

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