Strategic Alignment in Workers’ Compensation 

Strategic alignment: To ensure consistency in the initiatives implemented from the executive leadership to the operational level of the organization.   Does this exist in workers’ compensation?   Looking back on the history of workers’ compensation over the past 100+ years, not a lot has changed. It is far beyond time that it does. With over 400,000 open positions in the insurance space, is it a wonder why people do not want…

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10 Traits of Fabulous Adjusters; The Work Comp Edition 

Have you ever been on the flip side of a workers’ compensation claim? Where you were the injured worker? If you have not, have you ever put yourself in the injured worker’s shoes? Or had a family member experience the process? In case you guessed it, this process is not the easiest one.  Ahh, but there is so much we can do about it to make it better!!  Anyone can…

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Every Injured Worker Needs a Champion

I love the workers’ compensation space. I feel like I was born into it. I grew up watching my father beat his body up as he worked manual labor (and continues to do so well into his 70s). I had an emergency door handle pierce the skin of my upper thigh while I was working at one of my very first jobs which required a plethora of sutures. I began…

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Hey Injured Workers: It is okay to not be okay.

As an eternal optimist, I understand the times when people tell you to stay positive, look on the bright side, or it could have been worse. I get it. I continuously practice it. And even post injury, post work-injury, I am grateful it was only ‘so bad’. There are times you may think being positive is the only way to get through difficult or challenging circumstances. To always see the…

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Why is Empathy Hard in Workers’ Compensation?

Empathy, noun, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. The workers’ compensation system was designed to restore the lives of humans who were injured during an unforeseen circumstance while at work. Helping people during these vulnerable moments, once injury has been sustained, should provide an opportunity to create a trusting relationship between an adjuster and the injured worker. The adjusting role should be looked at as the…

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Why Empathy is Hard in Workers’ Compensation

Empathy is a concept so needed in the workers’ compensation space and yet we have not invested the time, talent, and resources to further examine and develop this concept. Empathy: a core fundamental to build connection and trust. In this space, we are so quickly to judge the injured human being on the other end of the line or the person who filed the workers’ compensation claim and yet what…

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Vulnerability in Workers’ Compensation

In 2018, I sustained an injury to my left hip. The injury resulted in five surgical procedures that summer, with a plethora of rehab on my road to recovery. While the physical process was painful and challenging, the mental components were even worse. This was a workers’ compensation claim. Six weeks post-operation, I was in physical therapy. My physical therapist was very straight forward with me and said “The physical…

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Time to be Brave.

We have always done it this way. This is the epitome of workers’ compensation and the claims handling process. It is the death of creativity, innovation, and organizational development. It crushes souls, smothers hope, and needs to be a phrase of the past. In a rapidly changing world, the workers’ compensation industry has escaped the movement necessary to be exciting. I know this space can be better, the experience, the…

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Have the Courage to be Different.

The workers’ compensation claims handling has been a repetitive nature of process and move on, follow the checklist for an audit, and close the claim. Process, and repeat. Go down the checklist and follow the pattern. Check, check, check. ***Abrasive vinal scratch to a halt.*** It is far beyond time to change the narrative and have the courage to be different. The workers’ compensation system is about PEOPLE. Restoring people…

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Acknowledgement in WC: It matters.

From a very early age in life, we want to be acknowledged. We want to be seen and we want to be heard. As we grow older, we want to be appreciated, to be valued, to feel worthy. These are basic human elements to life and the human connection. The workers’ compensation space is no different. I have the amazing opportunity to be a Professor at Drake University. This past…

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