Our Workers’ Recovery Professional Curriculum

The curriculum is divided into Schools of discipline. Courses balance hard (technical to-do’s) and soft (relational) skills to ensure the educational experience fully equips a student to be a high-achieving work comp professional. The primary goals for all curricula are:

  1. Be conversant on the subject, terms, concepts, and principles
  2. Know your role in that discipline’s domain and how it affects you/you effect it
  3. Know how to hold other stakeholders accountable for best practices

The following courses are currently available for students to access for their WRP certification. There are a total of 64 WRP courses for a combined 51.13 hours of content.

School of General Studies

  1. The Founders Orientation
  2. The Grand Bargain as a Foundational Element of Workers’ Compensation

School of Claims

  1. School of Claims Management Orientation
    • Julie Bandy, Casualty Claims Manager, CBCS, Inc. (AIC, AINS, AIC-M) – Trustee, Dean
    • Beth Goede, Director of Strategy and Optimization, The Hartford – Dean
  2. Workers’ Compensation Claim Handling 101
    • Julie Bandy, Casualty Claims Manager, CBCS, Inc. (AIC, AINS, AIC-M) – Trustee, Dean
    • Beth Goede, Director of Strategy and Optimization, The Hartford – Dean
  3. Coverage Basics
    • Beth Goede, Director of Strategy and Optimization, The Hartford – Dean
  4. Foundational Compensability, Part 1
    • Beth Goede, Director of Strategy and Optimization, The Hartford – Dean
    • Cheryl Masters, Nurse Case Manager, the MEMIC Group (MBA, RN, CCM, ONC)
  5. Foundational Compensability, Part II
    • Beth Goede, Director of Strategy and Optimization, The Hartford – Dean
  6. Claim Adjudication Foundations
    • Tim Makowske, Managing Director – Line of Business Leader – Workers’ Compensation Claims, FCCI Insurance Group (Bachelor of Science, Sociology and Anthropology – Criminal Justice)
  7. File Resolution FoundationsView a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course
    • David Langham Esq, Judge, Florida OJCC (BS General Business, Juris Doctor (1991); Florida Bar 31 yrs, Board Cert. WC)
  8. Medical Management
    • Kim Malisa, Director Managed Care, Strategic Comp (AAS, BSN, MBA, CCM, SCLA)
  9. Dealing with Difficult People View a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course
    • Robert Aurbach, Principal Consultant, Robert Aurbach d/b/a Uncommon Approach (J.D, Cornell 1979, M’s of Business Psychology candidate, U Queensland)
  10. Compensability – Determining AOE/COE
    • Brian Koch, Shareholder, Wiedner McAuliffe (Juris Doctorate)
  11. Foundational Disability Management
    •  Beth Goede, Director of Strategy and Optimization, The Hartford – Dean

School of Humanities

  1. School of Humanities Orientation
    • Dawn Hays, Workers Compensation Claims Supervisor, UFG Insurance (Bachelor of Liberal Studies, Organizational Leadership; CPCU, SCLA, AIC) – Trustee, Dean
    • Melissa Steger, Associate Director of Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Insurance, The University of Texas System (BS, MPA, CRM) – Trustee, Dean
  2. Emotional IntelligenceView a “2-minute Lesson” from this course
    • Brittney Parr, Global Business Services Change Management Lead, The Kraft Heinz Company (MBA (2014), MPS in OD and Change (In Progress), Certified Professional Coach)
  3. Communicating to Create UnderstandingView a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course
    • David Langham Esq, Judge, Florida OJCC (BS General Business, Juris Doctor (1991); Florida Bar 31 yrs, Board Cert. WC)
  4. Critical Thinking & Decision MakingView a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course
    • Dawn Hays, Workers Compensation Claims Supervisor, UFG Insurance (Bachelor of Liberal Studies, Organizational Leadership; CPCU, SCLA, AIC) – Trustee, Dean
  5. Defining Transformational Leadership: A Values-Based Next Level Approach View a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course.
    • Licia Thompson, Author & Leadership Reinvention Strategist, Licia Thompson Coaching & Consulting, LLC (B.S. Journalism Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practitioner)
  6. Change Management
    • Susan Franzen, Vice President Strategy & Leadership, AXIOM Learning Solutions, LLC (Masters – Neuroscience of Leadership; Bachelor – Business Administration)
  7. Creating the Customer Experience & Why a WRP Mindset is Important & Different
    • Becky Curtis, CEO, Take Courage Coaching (National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach)

School of Legal

  1. School of Legal Orientation
  2. Legal 101: Legal tests, claims, and defensesView a “2-Minute Lesson from this course.
  3. The roles, relationships, and duties of the attorney View a 2-Minute Lesson from this course
  4. Proving Causation
    • David Langham Esq, Judge, Florida OJCC (BS General Business, Juris Doctor (1991); Florida Bar 31 yrs, Board Cert. WC)
  5. Preventing Work Comp Fraud: It takes a Village
    • Curt DeVries, Owner/President, Fraudsniffr (BA, AIC, SCLA, CFE)
  6. Presumptions for Work CompView a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course
  7. Litigation for non-lawyers
    • Albert Randall, President, Franklin & Prokopik, P.C. (Juris Doctorate)
  8. First of all – Do No Harm
    • Robert Aurbach, Principal Consultant, Robert Aurbach d/b/a Uncommon Approach (J.D, Cornell 1979, M’s of Business Psychology candidate, U Queensland)

School of Medical Management

  1. School of Medical Management Orientation
    • Dr. Elizabeth Frenzel, Occupational Medicine Physician, Former Director of Employee Health & Well-being, MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD, MPH, FACOEM) – Dean 
    • Dr. Les Kertay, Senior VP for Behavioral Health, Axiom Medical (Ph.D. Psychology) – Dean 
  2. Medical Management 101: Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of work-related injuriesView a “2-Minute Lesson” from this course.
    • Dr. Elizabeth Frenzel, Occupational Medicine Physician, Former Director of Employee Health & Well-being, MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD, MPH, FACOEM) – Dean 
  3. Medical Management 102: A Deeper Dive into Causation, Red Flags and Work Disability Prevention
    • Dr. Robert Snyder, Medical Director, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (MD)
  4. The Foundational Importance of a Biopsychosocial ApproachView a “2-minute Lesson” from this course.
    • Dr. Les Kertay, Senior VP for Behavioral Health, Axiom Medical (Ph.D. Psychology) – Dean
  5. Understanding The AMA Guides and their Use in Workers’ Compensation
    • Dr. James Talmage, Assistant Medical Director, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (MD)
  6. Orthopedic Roadshow – Part 1, Extremities
    • Donald A. Abrams, Orthopedic Physician Assistant, Executive Vice President, WorkCompCollege
  7. Orthopedic Roadshow – Part 2, Spine
    • Donald A. Abrams, Orthopedic Physician Assistant, Executive Vice President, WorkCompCollege
  8. Medical Terminology
    • Kim Malisa, Director Managed Care, Strategic Comp (AAS, BSN, MBA, CCM, SCLA)
  9. Evidence Based Medicine in Workers’ Comp
    • Dr. James Talmage, Assistant Medical Director, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (MD)
  10. Introduction to Case Management In Workers’ Compensation
    • Sally Dadich, District Manager, Catastrophic Case Management, Paradigm (MSN, BS-M, RN, CCM, WCCM, CCP)
  11. Identifying and Managing Motivation of Injured WorkersView a 2-Minute Lesson from this course
    • Mark Duncan, Director of Shannon Sports Medicine/Business Development, Shannon Health Systems (BS Ed Abilene Christian University, Athletic Trainer Certified/Licensed)

School of Regulatory / Legislative

  1. School of Regulatory / Legislative Orientation
    • Abbie Hudgens, Former Administrator, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation – Trustee, Dean
    • Albert Betts, Jr., Executive Director, Insurance Council of Texas – Trustee, Dean
    • Paul H. Sighinolfi, Senior Managing Director, Ametros – Dean
  2. History of Workers’ Compensation: The First Great Social Justice Movement View a 2-Minute Lesson from this course.
  3. The role of the legislature in creating and setting the direction for state workers compensation systems,
  4. Administrative Rule Making Process and Shaping Workers’ Compensation Regulations
    • Abbie Hudgens, Former Administrator, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation – Trustee, Dean
    • Albert Betts, Jr., Executive Director, Insurance Council of Texas – Trustee, Dean
    • Paul H. Sighinolfi, Senior Managing Director, Ametros – Dean
  5. Navigating the Complexities of Charting a Course for Workers’ Comp: Politics 101
  6. Workers’ Compensation System Similarities and Differences
  7. Regulations for Medical Issues: What, Why, and How
    • Dr. Robert Snyder, Medical Director, Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (MD)

School of Return to Work

  1. School of Return to Work Orientation
    • Ryan Guppy, Director of Work Disability Prevention, Linea Solutions, Inc. – Trustee, Dean
    • Dr. Ilana Lehmann, Vocational Services Specialist / Education Specialist, Washington State Labor and Industries (Ph.D in Rehabilitation Counselor Education, M.S. in Guidance and Counseling, B.S. in Psychology) – Dean
  2. The Importance of Work Disability Prevention and the Worker-Centric ModelView a 2-Minute Lesson from this course.
  3. The Psychosocial Landscape of Return to Work
    • Sybil Evans, Principal Owner & Vocational Counselor, SCA Pacific Case Management (MA, BS, CRC, ABVE/D, CEAS, PGAP Provider, Post Grad Cert in Forensic Vocational)
  4. Voices of the Workers
    • Rosemary McKenzie-Ferguson, Founder, Craig’s Table (Diploma of Leadership Summa Comp Laude)
    • Ryan Guppy, Director of Work Disability Prevention, Linea Solutions, Inc. – Trustee, Dean
  5. The Elephant in the Room: Pain
    • Becky Curtis, CEO, Take Courage Coaching (National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach)
  6. Factors Influencing Return to Work and Overcoming Return to Work Challenges
    • Debra Livingston, CEO, ReEmployAbility, Inc. (BS, Marketing Florida State University)

School of Risk Management

  1. School of Risk Management Orientation
    • James Curbeam, Director of Risk Management, Baltimore County School District (CPCU, ARM, AIC) – Dean
    • Amalia Sanchez, Risk Manager, City of Culver City CA (MPA, NP) – Dean
  2. Introduction to Risk Management
    • Amalia Sanchez, Risk Manager, City of Culver City CA (MPA, NP) – Dean
  3. Introduction to ERM
    • James Curbeam, Director of Risk Management, Baltimore County School District (CPCU, ARM, AIC) – Dean
    • Christina Childs, Director of Risk Consulting, RCM&D
  4. Important Linkages Between Safety and Workers’ Compensation Insurance Programs
    • Dr. Robert Emery, Vice President for Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management/Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (DrPH, CHP, CIH, CBSP, CSP, CHMM, CPP, ARM)
  5. Risk Transfer ProcessView a 2-Minute Lesson from this course.
    • Dr. Claire Muselman, Principal, CM Advising (EdD EdS MPA SCLA-Gold AIC AIC-M AIS AINS ACS CLP CIIP CLMP CCP ASCR)
  6. It’s All the Same … Only Different: A Look at Jurisdictional Differences in Workers’ Compensation
    • Chuck Brady, Global Claims Manager, Celanese Corporation

School of Stakeholders

  1. School of Stakeholders Orientation
    • Patti Colwell, Manager of Workers’ Compensation, Southwest Airlines – Trustee, Dean
    • Dr. Tyrone Spears, Division Chief, City of Los Angeles (WCCP, ARM, IPMA-SCP) – Dean
  2. The Claims Administrator – A Key Stakeholder in Workers’ Compensation
    • Dr. Claire Muselman, Principal, CM Advising (EdD EdS MPA SCLA-Gold AIC AIC-M AIS AINS ACS CLP CIIP CLMP CCP ASCR)
  3. Medical Providers – A Key Stakeholder in Workers’ Compensation
    • Dr. Maja Jurisic, Vice President, Medical Director Strategic Accounts, Concentra
  4. The Injured Worker, the Primary Stakeholder
  5. Medicare Secondary Payer 101
    • Aaron Frederickson, Attorney at Law, MSP Compliance Solutions (Licensed to practice law in MN, WI, and federal court. MSCC*)
  6. The Employer: The Third Stakeholder in Workers’ Compensation – View a “2-minute Lesson” from this course
    • Vickie Kennedy, VP of Workers’ Compensation, Linea Solutions
    • Sheri Sundstrom, Hoffman Construction Corp.
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